Exciting news! We will be moving our showroom to a new location in North Vancouver. We’re celebrating this next chapter with lots of ways to SAVE!
🔷 Pay no tax and enjoy free local delivery* on all in-stock Luonto sleepers and sofas. Offer available in-store only.
🔷 Pay no tax and enjoy free local delivery* on all in-stock Furninova sofas and sectionals. Offer available in-store only.
🔷 60% off display model pendant, wall and ceiling lighting. Excludes Umage and Gus* Modern lighting. Offer available in-store only.
🔷 25% off all display model floor and table lamps. Excludes Umage and Gus* Modern lighting. Offer available in-store only.
🔷 Plus, a large selection of display model sofas, chairs and tables are priced to go!
🔷 There are no changes to order fulfilment and we are still accepting custom orders for products
🔷 Make sure to follow us on Instagram and sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop about our new location and opening date! You won’t want to miss out on any exciting updates!